Virtual tours for showrooms

Virtual tour for a showroom – example

Here is an example of virtual tour for a showroom – created recently for The Senator Group at their Farringdon, London showroom . The Senator Group create contemporary furniture for offices, homes, and public spaces. They began in 1970 and are now part of a Allermuir. As an independent design house, they partner with the … Continue Reading

Shopify DMARC authentication for email

If you’re using Shopify and sending emails from your own domain email address, you may have received an email telling you that you need to authenticate and add a DMARC record to continue sending emails from your domain. Gmail and Yahoo have announced changes that require you to authenticate and add a DMARC record on … Continue Reading

Could not complete this operation, an error occurred while reading the endian type

Photoshop error – Could not complete this operation. An error occurred while reading the endian type

WebP is a modern digital image format developed by Google that offers significant advantages over traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. However, editing and saving this new type of image in Photoshop isn’t always as fast or straight-forward as you’d hope. Problem 1 – Photoshop doesn’t natively support WebP files Versions of Photoshop prior to … Continue Reading

Photoshop Crashing When Resizing Images – solution

Photoshop Crashing When Resizing Images – solution

I currently use Photoshop on my HP Intel i7, GEFORCE GTX laptop (relevant), however, it would almost always crash or ‘close unexpectedly’ whenever I tried to re-size and image. I use Photoshop a lot so it was a big problem for me. At first, and after doing some research, it looked to me like this … Continue Reading

How to change the default browser in Outlook

When you click a link in an email using Windows Outlook (desktop app), by default it opens in a browser window. My default browser was highjacked again by Edge. But I don’t want to use Edge for these links or any others. So I changed the default Outlook browser back to my usual browser. This … Continue Reading

Lorum Ipsum

Lorum Ipsum – dummy text

You know when you just want some dummy text for your website or app, but every link you click on has ads, ad blockers or formatting? Well here is all the Lorum Ipsum you’ll ever need with no strings attached. Just copy and paste Contents: 100 paragraphs of Lorum Ipsum dummy text – formatted as … Continue Reading

3D mapping for engineering, architecture & construction

It never ceases to amaze me how fast technology is advancing. Here’s an example of what can be done very quickly and cheaply these days, that would have taken a very long time to do manually only a few years ago. 3D mapping for architects, engineers and construction creates a 3D digital model of both … Continue Reading

Amazon Prime phone scam – how to spot it & what to do

Amazon is not a company I have personally used for many, many years due to their purported UK tax evasion (e.g. Amazon’s main UK division pays no corporation tax for second year in a row or Amazon’s biggest UK firms pay NO corporation tax – despite making £193-a-second) And this Amazon Prime phone scam is … Continue Reading