How long is it since the text on your website was updated? Have you been meaning to rewrite it for ages, but it keeps getting put to the bottom of the to-do list as more urgent work presses on your time? This is a common story for many website owners, however, it might actually be … Continue Reading
SEO copywriting
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – what is a sitemap?
If you’ve ever looked into search engine optimisation (aka SEO) in any detail you’ll probably have come across what’s known as a ‘sitemap’. And if you are new to SEO, you’ll also probably be asking yourself ‘what is a sitemap’? A sitemap, in its simplest form, is a file (or files) that provide information about … Continue Reading
What is the ‘passive voice’ and why is it important in Search Engine optimisation?
If you’ve ever delved a little more deeply into search engine optimisation, you may have come across talk of the ‘passive voice’ in relation to page content. Or more specifically, why you should be avoiding using the ‘passive voice’ too much. For example, one of the most popular and widely used SEO plugins is Yoast … Continue Reading
The origins of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
I’ve been working with websites since before search engine optimisation (SEO) was a ‘thing’. I originally taught myself HTML as a young teenager using a book I found lying about by Carol Vordernman and the rest, as they say, for me at least, is history. I’ve been providing SEO in Sheffield & further afield now … Continue Reading
Improve Your Website’s Search Engine Rankings with These 5 SEO Tips
As a business owner, you’re no doubt bombarded by spammy emails offering you SEO services from companies that promise they can get your website on the first page of Google. As a reputable Sheffield SEO company we know that no-one can really guarantee these results with 100% certainty. But there are certain things that you … Continue Reading
5 Ways Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm Will Change Your SEO Copywriting
Hummingbird – Google’s new algorithm In the wake of the new Google algorithm, ‘Hummingbird’, SEO copywriters have had to consider the impact of the update on the way that they write. Google isn’t interested in blindly matching keywords any more, it wants to understand what the searcher is trying to achieve so that it can … Continue Reading
5 Tips for Writing Good SEO Copy
With Google’s recent algorithm updates, search engine optimised content is more important than ever for your website or blog. Google is putting more emphasis than ever on original, quality content. With that in mind, I’ve decided to share 5 tips that will help you get to grips with SEO copywriting. Write for Humans Even search … Continue Reading
October 2015 – Seven Creative turned 10 years old!
October 2015 – Seven Creative turned 10 years old! 10 years ago Seven Creative was established, and since then, we’ve helped over 300 local, national, and international business grow To celebrate our birthday, we’d like to tell you a little about some of the services you can use to grow your business, show you a … Continue Reading
5 Ways Great Quality Website Copywriting Can Help Your Business
Great website copywriting can pay dividends for your business. Not only will it improve brand awareness with your potential customers; it can also help boost your visibility with the search engines. Whether you’re looking to update your existing content – or for brand new copy for a new website – our team of highly-skilled Sheffield … Continue Reading
5 Top Tips on Writing for Web
Understanding how internet users read online text is half the battle of writing great web content. The truth is, people don’t really web content word for word, the way you would a beautifully written novel for example. They prefer to pick out key words and sentences to get an overall understanding of the content. This means that web copy needs to be … Continue Reading